The October 1 committee meeting was held at the offices of Grady Gammage.
In attendance were: Mark Kirchner, Mary Bentley, Linda and Dick Jones, Bill Richardson, Paulette Chartier, Diane Hull, Genie Davis, Mark Heier, and Cindy Pike.
We finalized plans for Friday and Saturday nights. They are as follows.
On Friday, October 23rd, there will be a tailgate party at DaleyPark in Tempe from 4 to 10 pm. We’ve invited the McClintock Class of ’69 to attend, so it’ll be lots of fun. This event is open to all Tempe High grads, no matter the year. So if you know alums, please invite them.
The Committee will start the food setup at 5:30. Bill Richardson, Mark Kirchner, Diane Grant, Cindy Pike, Linda and Dick Jones, Paulette Chartier, Genie Davis, and Mary Bentley have prepared some wonderful eats for the event. – Drinks [Cans], Chips/Salsa, BBQ Beef, Buns, Salad, Beans and Cookies..
Saturday’s Event [10/24]- Rustler’s Rooste – On the patio – [Make sure to bring a wrap or jacket as the desert cools off soon after the sun goes down]
Registration/Name Tags will begin at 6:00pm.During that time there will be appetizers and a no host bar until 7:30 when the Buffet Style Dinner is served..
The program will start around 8:15 as Mark Heier MC’s the evening with the help of Stan Runnels, Paulette Chartier, Larry Cannon, and John Ditsworth..Desert will be served around 9’ish.
The evening will officially end at 11pm at the Rooste… Unofficially, no tellin’ where we’ll end up..
These minutes are respectfully submitted by Paulette Chartier.
09-11-2009 - Committee meeting May 7th
The September 10th committee meeting was held at Paulette Chartier's home. In attendance were; Mary Bentley, Linda and Dick Jones, Genie Davis, Cindy Pike, Mark Heier, Mark Kirchner, and Gary Patton. The final segments of the reunion night movie were filmed. Discussion included the Friday night event at Daly Park. It was decided that the following items would be provided:
Barbecue beef - Diane Grant Baked beans and cookies - Mary Bentley Chips - Genie Davis Buns - Paulette Plates and napkins - Linda Jones
Bill Richardson has secured two ramadas and is providing two cases of beer and chips and salsa.
It was announced that no glass containers are allowed at the park.
Mark Kirchner reported on the number of people who have responded regarding attending the Saturday night event.
Pat Gill supplied these numbers via email:
Larry Cannon, Bill Richardson, Steve Frizzell, Gary Patton, and Judy Bender-Ream found 79% of our graduating class!
One room has become available at the Grand due to a cancellation.
81 - Attending
27 - Not attending
262 - undecided
110 - Flyers mailed in September
77 - email notifications with the Flyer sent
75 - missing buffs (no email or address)
Diane announced that those who will be attending must have their reservations to Mark K. by October 10th at the latest.
The next and final meeting will be held at Grady's Tempe office at 5 P.M. on October 1
Submitted by Paulette Chartier
08-06-2009 - Committee meeting August 6th
August 6, 5pm at Grady's office
IN attendance were: Bill Richardson, Mark Kirchner, Gary Patton, Diane Hull, LInda and Dick Jones, Mark Heier, Stan Runnels, and Paulette Chartier. Thanks again to Grady for his contributions.
The committee met to discuss the particulars of the reunion event. Mark Heier shared his idea for the video he is creating for Saturday night. The video will be fairly short with a review of the past in contrast with the present. ?The committee members will meet at Paulette's house to film the group portion of the film on Sunday, August 30th at 2:00 pm.
Bill Richardson has secured a ramada at Daley Park for Friday night, October 23rd for our classmates as well as any Tempe Grad or McClintock grad who would like to join us. Bill is supplying the first two cases of carbonated beverage :) as well as some chips and salsa. Some classmates have made donations to help cover the cost of securing the ramada and providing refreshments. The permit will allow us to meet there from 4 pm until 10 pm. The committee will be responsible for setting up and bringing drinks and appetizers. Any one who wants to contribute is more than welcome.
Linda Jones has secured a block of ten rooms at The Arizona Grand. Those rooms have been taken but you may be able to call and get a room for that same rate of $119. per night. This is a good deal compared to the 200 plus regular room rate.
All classmates are encouraged to send in their payment for the Saturday night event at Rustler's Rooste. ?This is the time to let us know your intentions by sending in your reservation.
Stan Runnels has agreed to do an invocation.
We are hoping that Pat Gill will be able to have names printed on labels by computer.
We have at least 5 teachers who are attending the reunion and their admission fee will need to be paid by our class. Contributions or donations would be appreciated.
The next committee meeting will be held on September 3rd at 5 pm at Grady's office in Tempe once more. All are encouraged to attend.