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Re: Things I Just Can't Stand
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Larry Cannon
07-07-2009 08:27am
Continuing my list (pure catharsis!):

ball point pens that leave balls of ink when I use them
those huge, indestructable, warning labels on the cords of new blow dryers
people who talk on their cell phones while driving
people who leave car-length gaps in front of them at stop lights
Subway®  workers who wipe their faces with their hands just before my order
public restroom TP dispensers that force me to lie on the floor in order to  
    reach up and get the &*%^$#! paper
a staple in my thumb
when the only toilet available is unflushed
that Karen Carpenter died so young
rental DVD's that skip
that Claim Jumper chocolate cake isn't available five minutes away
that the word 'coworker' isn't pronounced 'cow orker' . . . . why not?
superglue running and gluing unintended body parts together
a throwing dart hitting the copper water main in a vacation rental basement
that more classmates don't log onto the site -- you guys!!!

Re: Things I Just Can't Stand
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Larry Cannon
07-07-2009 11:26am
I'm not finished!  Just may make this my own thread.  To continue,

the word 'got'
the word 'utilize'  Whatever happened to plain and simple 'use'?
the 'word' 'actionable'  . . . huh?

See Mr. Dee, I was listening.

Re: Things I Just Can't Stand
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Gary Waldeck
07-07-2009 11:37am
Larry, may I butt in to your thread here?

I can’t stand it when people who like say go and goes instead of say and says and like uses the word like, like every other word, you know.  And you know, I can’t stand it when people go, you know, like in every sentence, you know? And then they go, know what I’m sayin’ instead of like just you know, know what I’m sayin’?

Re: Things I Just Can't Stand
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Larry Cannon
07-07-2009 11:42am
Sorry, Gary, but I got to butt in here.  You are, like, horning in on my space, and your utilization of english is like offal.

Re: Things I Just Can't Stand
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Gary Waldeck
07-07-2009 11:54am
Well, like, you know, it's cool, man. I better like, stop it,  or the grammer sheriff will like give me hell, know what I'm sayin?

Re: Things I Just Can't Stand
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Tommy Whatley
07-08-2009 01:53am
Larry & Gary,
     I don't no nottin 24-7, but at least I know more than you'all!!!!
I figured out what super glue was for: Keeps you from picking
your nose, cause you can't get your finger apart from your thumb!
Know what I'm saying Dudes?Uh,Uh,Uh, you know. Chow!

Re: Things I Just Can't Stand
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Jerry Kerr
07-08-2009 11:27am
You guys are nuts!!

Re: Things I Just Can't Stand
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Gail Vesper
07-08-2009 03:36pm
Oh, Jerry, and you are not?

Re: Things I Just Can't Stand
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Phyllis Cochran
07-08-2009 06:10pm
I was wondering when Tommy W. was coming back on the scene... apparently he's been away honing his observation skills and is now ready to gross us all out!

Re: Things I Just Can't Stand
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Jerry Kerr
07-10-2009 12:04pm
Oh, Jerry, and you are not?

What a thing to suggest, my stoic, serious demeaner.........is crushed  :0(

Re: Things I Just Can't Stand
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Tommy Whatley
07-11-2009 04:17pm
I enjoyed your country western/rap crap! J Kerr is winning the
gross out honing skills. think he's been honing his 'woody' to much!
I always thought a woody was a car with wood panels. AND
Anyone who doesn't like Country music is not an American, So, me
thinks L Cannon is the Asian in the THS jogging club picture.
                                          Tommy W

Re: Things I Just Can't Stand
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Larry Cannon
07-11-2009 06:49pm
Tommy, it's just that twangs are so easily corrected.  Just some minor brain surgery.

Tommy and Larry
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Louis Langhi
07-11-2009 09:55pm
Here I go getting myself in trouble again. I really enjoy all the different musics out there from Pavorotti to Blind Faith to Johnny Cash. I have seen many Country Stars. Patty Loveless is my favorite and saw her 3 times.

When I went to a Willie Nelson Concert. I was in the front row. I fell '''Snoring Asleep''' and ushers had to wake me up I was so Bored. I stayed under protest Haha!!!

Louie  {:

Re: Things I Just Can't Stand
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Tommy Whatley
07-12-2009 06:25pm
Tommy, it's just that twangs are so easily corrected.  Just some minor brain surgery.
  Sorry to here you had minor brain surgery, Did they find ANYTHING??

   How could you fall asleep at a Willy Nelson concert, unless you had to
many JD's & MJ's?
                                        Big Chief

Re: Things I Just Can't Stand
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Phyllis Cochran
07-12-2009 06:39pm
Ah yes, the things we fall asleep to...

I fell asleep in the middle of  'Pirates of the Caribbean' - could not hold my eyes open!

Maybe Willie was singing a lullaby, Louis. Maybe Tommy was right about Jack and Mary, too.

I do like Johnny Cash, though. At least he won't put you to sleep.

Re: Things I Just Can't Stand
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Jerry Kerr
07-12-2009 08:15pm
I enjoyed your country western/rap crap! J Kerr is winning the
gross out honing skills. think he's been honing his 'woody' to much!
I always thought a woody was a car with wood panels. AND
Anyone who doesn't like Country music is not an American, So, me
thinks L Cannon is the Asian in the THS jogging club picture.
                                          Tommy W

You're right about the car, the only other woody I can think of is the cowboy in the movie Toystory.


A did you know message.
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Louis Langhi
07-13-2009 08:04am
Patty Loveless is Married to Elvis Presleys Lead Guitarist and her Band is Elvis's old Band. I do not think she is currently Touring. That's a show to see.

You do not fall asleep at a Johnny Cash show. I went to see him twice, but he canceled the second show and Glenn Campbell took over at the second show.

I do not think a couple beers put me to sleep at Willie Nelson. I am sitting here laughing as I am writing this. It was a funny situation. When I was awakened, there were all these Women Dancing.


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